How to get from LAX to San Diego
The reLAXsan shuttle bus picks you up at your LAX terminal and goes directly to San Diego.

LAX airport pickup information for travelers taking reLAXsan
Passengers should wait at the center island under the ORANGE ‘Shared Rides’ signs on the Lower/Arrivals Level in front of their terminals.
There is currently no pickup zone for Tom Bradley Intl. If you arrive in Intl. terminal please proceed to terminal 3 ‘Shared Rides’, between columns 3F & 3G.

Depending on your terminal your pick-up spot may vary
Terminal 1: 1J & 1K
Terminal 2: 2H & 2J
Terminal 3: 3F & 3G
Terminal 4: 4D & 4E
Terminal 5: 5G & 5H
Terminal 6: Proceed to Term 5
Terminal 7: 7C & 7D
Terminal 8: Proceed to Term 7
TERMINAL B “Tom Bradley”: PROCEED TO TERMINAL 3, between columns 3F & 3G
VIDEO: How to get from ‘Terminal B’ to your reLAXsan pickup zone
Shuttle from LAX to San Diego
Are there shuttles from LAX to San Diego? reLAXsan is the easiest way to get from LAX to San Diego. Upon arriving at LAX airport in Los Angeles, proceed to the lower/arrivals level as directed above.
Passengers arriving at Tom Bradley International (Terminal B) should proceed to the Orange ‘Shared rides’ section at Terminal 3. See above for a detailed video of getting from Terminal B to your reLAXsan pickup zone. If you are arriving in a different terminal, proceed to your nearest Orange Shared Rides Zone.